Cloud Journey III, Léon The Professional

May 18, 2023

It's been three years since I took the SAA exam, which meant I had to renew it last month.

I’ve previously passed the cloud practitioner, all three associate and security specialty exams. I've been preparing for the SAP exam for a while now without getting to a state where I felt confident to take it. This meant though that sitting for the SAA renewal didn't require any additional effort for me.

I passed without much difficulty which boosted my confidence. Maybe it was time. Maybe I was ready.

I booked the exam for SAP and gave myself two weeks to rest and recover. I heard it was hard. I heard it was long. They were right.

Took the exam and almost ran out of time.

In terms of coverage you are still answering the same type of questions as the SAA exam. What made this particular exam difficult though was the length.

The questions were long and the choices were sometimes even longer. I answered the last question with 3 minutes left and had no time to go back to the questions I marked for review.

There was an alert when you have 5 mins left. And it popped with 2 more questions unanswered for me. I finished with 3 minutes left and was too tired to go back and review the questions I marked.


The final score was 843. I passed. With difficulty. But I passed.

I have now achieved 6 of 12 active AWS certificates.